Recent Adult Reads for YA Readers, too: "A Darker Shade of Magic" and "City of Savages"
There are two books I read recently I can't stop thinking about published for adults but can
The first is "A Darker Shade of Magic" by V.E. Schwab (YA author Victoria Schwab), and it's book one in a trilogy. The internet was losing its head over this book and I didn't luck into an advance copy but I did grab a copy during release week (took a while because every bookstore was sold out) and I also bought the "Vicious" paperback while I was at it. Internet buzz is always amazing, but it's this review from the author herself teasing to the material that got me. A book promising cross-dressing thieves and strange coats? And sadistic kings and queens? Sold and sold again. The book follows Kell, a Traveler, which is basically a rare magician with the power to jump into Alternate Londons. Yeah, there are ALTERNATE Londons. I don't want to say too much about the book, but I read this action-packed trip wishing there were a "A Darker Shade of Magic" video game by the same team who made "Assassins Creed" and "Prince of Persia", and, obviously, this needs to be a TV show or movie.
The other book I loved was "City of Savages" by Lee Kelly! I could be wrong, but this one is technically sold as adult but everyone will love it, especially those who aren't reading outside of YA because adult fiction can sometimes be torturous. (I feel you, guys. Truly.) And while Schwab's book gives us a different look at London (MANY different looks of London), Lee Kelly's book shows us a different New York, and has changed the way I see Central Park and my streets. The action game was strong, but the story of sisters was just as powerful.
Both books are out now!